Distance learning is gaining more and more popularity – the ability to gain new knowledge and even a diploma from anywhere in the world. We decided to figure out what are the advantages of this form of training, and where are the “pitfalls”.
Can you imagine the charm – you sit at home, and at the same time – participate in a seminar? Now this is not only just possible, but wildly popular! Yes, distance education is a kind of revolutionary idea for modern people who try to fit everything in one day – from sweet communication with a lover to promotion up the career ladder.
Pros of distance education
Freedom and flexibility of the educational process schedule. You can create comfortable study conditions for yourself. It all depends entirely on the student and his desire to get an education. With this form of training, no one will stand above the soul and force you to pass the test more quickly and do not have to expect a negligent student who cannot understand the things that are obvious to you.
Individual pace of learning. An individual approach is a real salvation! You can listen to the lecture recording exactly as many times as necessary. You can stop to take notes or skip what you already know.
Accessibility of education anywhere in the world. Yes, you can drink mango juice on the beach in Thailand and still consider yourself a student. Of course, if at the same time you have access to the Network.
The increase in the number of students. In addition to all the advantages of this form of education, one of the most weighty arguments is still the increase in non-traditional students – working people, pregnant or lactating mothers, the elderly. People who really want to get an education, but do not have the opportunity to constantly attend the university, are happy to agree to distance learning.
Profitable price. Distance education is the most affordable form financially. The cost of training depends on the particular university, but basically this amount can only compete with correspondence education, although it will still be 10-30% lower.

Disadvantages of Distance Education
Exclusion of influence on performance. Despite the obvious advantage in the form of an individual pace of education, this approach can only be suitable for disciplined and highly motivated students. When we get tired from work, we least want to think about lectures and assignments – it’s too late, too tired, other plans for the evening. And if you came after a date, then what kind of education is it!
Limited time for communication with classmates and a teacher. And as a result – fewer answers to exciting questions, less additional information and practical advice.
Dependence on network access. It happens that we are “out of the access zone”, and this threatens to omit important records. Permanent access is one of the most important conditions if you decide to receive a distance education.
Lack of important details. Unfortunately, with this form of education, communication with the teacher is very limited. He wrote down as much as he considered necessary, somewhere forgetting to mention something or simply deciding not to do it. All other information will have to be searched independently, through other sources.
Lack of practical training. All classes will be in the form of lectures rather than a workshop. You can learn about everything, but not at all understand how to apply this knowledge in your life or work.
Of course, at present, distance education cannot fully replace the traditional full-time education. Nevertheless, every year it is up to the university that more and more students get, because opportunities are growing, and the Internet and computer technology can make learning more interesting and effective. New projects and inventions appear in this area so that each person with the most diverse capabilities can realize their potential and become a true professional in their field.